Domain admaestro.com is property of Adriatic Group Ltd.
Our company is in the process of developing this web site.
Domain admaestro.com is property of Adriatic Group Ltd.
Our company is in the process of developing this web site.
Oglasi.HR is a free classifieds web site oriented mainly on Croatian market. It features free and premium classifieds.
Rezultati.HR supplies real-time sport scores online. It is very useful for sports betting enthusiasts who like to know football matches results in real-time.
YachtBooking.com is a site for deluxe holiday seekers. YachtBooking.com provides online reservations of yachts and boats in the world, specially in Adriatic sea and Mediterranean.
Prometheus.net is a service for remote IT support in Croatia. If you need IT assistance without phisical presence of IT staff, the Prometheus.net solution is just what you need.
Sterilizacija.com offers wide variety of solutions for UV desinfection and sterilization of office and public spaces and vehicles.
Other than that we are developing some high-end portals, like social network for gamers - GamerShip.com, fashion and style portal LOOK.guru, web site with variuos recipes FoodMaestro.com and so on.
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